Tuesday, June 24, 2008

#73: Tests and Tribulations

So it's been a while.

However, I couldn't stay away for any longer as I feel the overwhelming need to vent to you all. I am going to follow a tangent that is somewhat out of the ordinary. To the average teenager, the fact that an obstacle in life is actually a breeze would be an absolute gift, however I find myself fairly outraged about the HPT examination sat to progress from my P1 to P2 license.

Basically, this test seemed to be created by a 5-year-old. The person is shown a series of clips, viewing the road through the windscreen as if sitting in the driver's seat. You touch the screen if you think an action should be taken, such as slowing down or making a right-hand turn at an intersection (actually, those are the only two things they ask you to do). The practicality of this computer-based text is almost nil, as the person sitting the test can easily pass it by pressing the screen immediately for the ones where deceleration is needed and not pressing the screen at all when deciding the best time to begin making a right-hand turn. The stigma around red-p-platers seems to disappear once you move on to greens, a sense of maturity and respectability follows you as you overtake an unplated car rather than disdain and disgust. Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy that I can now load up my car with a lot more drunkards past the 23rd hour, but I think society needs to take a good look at itself when it demeans reds when greens are so easy to obtain.

The idiot behind the wheel is still the same, doesn't matter if they're covered by red or green.


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