Thursday, February 21, 2008

#43: Surprise Wake-Up Call

So I didn't go out last night, unlike my dormies.

It was the opening of DK, the pool club that occurs at the Oxford Hotel weekly, and everyone who was anyone was attending. I didn't go mainly because I figured I had already killed enough braincells this week, plus I wasn't feeling all that crash hot. Instead, I had a great night in with Lauren and Hayley.

I'm a heavy sleeper and only woke up once, however was informed this morning that there were a few lads hooning around in our cottage in the early morning hours. I left my room thinking that there would be the usual mess around the house, but was surprised at what was actually waiting for me.

I've devised a poll for all of you to guess what I saw. Please participate, and I shall reveal the answer in my next podcast.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm going with the naked man.