Sunday, February 3, 2008

#31: Working Hard

So I got a job.

Being employed it much better than I thought it would be. After hearing all the tales of boredom you people spit, I expected a long night. But I surprised myself.

Working at the St Marys' Band Club is a rather easy job: cleaning, bar work, general organisation. Stuff that doesn't take too much effort. The hardest part of my new part-time occupation is remembering the troupe of workers' names. There's a lot of them. I befriended Anne on Friday, helping her behind the bar and learning what all the regular patrons order. Then I met Glen on Saturday night, a tall, bleach-blond, late-twenties guy who asked me if I was gay within an hour. How straight-forward the people of St Marys are.

I'm not a regular gambler. I've played the pokies twice, losing $10 in my entire history of gaming. I knew that some people had gambling addictions and it was a major factor influencing suicide rates, however I didn't realise the extent of this problem until last night. My shift spanned from 8p.m. to 2a.m. and throughout the night there were fluctuations in crowds around the bar and pokies section I was working in. At 7p.m., the amount of people reached its height as almost all of the 189 machines were occupied, and there were still at least 15 people there when I signed off for the night. Who plays the slots at 2 in the morning? That image has basically rid me any desire to ever gamble.

Haven't seen the real colours of the club yet, and I'm not just talking about their Friday nightclub called Colours. There was one disorderly man thrown out last night by security but he caused minimal chaos. I'm hoping that all nights go as smoothly as the one I just experienced.

Otherwise, I'll have to get my ninja groove on.



Liv said...

hey, just because other people whinge about how shitty their work is and yours isn't as shitty, it doesn't necessarily mean that their work isn't shitty...

but i'm glad yours wasn't shitty :D

Anonymous said...

slots disgust me! in vegas there were people playing them when we arrived at midday, when we headed back to our hotel at about midnight and when i went down for breakfast at 9 in the morning. cigarette in one hand, beer in the other, swiping credit cards and pressing buttons. it's utterly depressing!
congrats on getting a job though. how's bathurst going?

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I went there last night. Have a go at 'STACKER' the game, it's horribly addicting.

Anyway, The people in St Marys are WAY too straight forward. I can't believe that a guy asked you if you were queer in under an hour, HILARIOSU! Stupid stereotypes, but I still think it's funny.

But I Got excited, I thought you said St Marys Leagues club. Tasha's sister works there, yes... the sister that snobbed my Family and I once.