Friday, March 7, 2008

#51: Pyjama Weekends

So when I come back to Penrith, I don't wear clothes.

I have to always trek off to work pretty much as soon as I wake up because of the awkward hours, so I spend my days on my computer, completing assignments and downloading music I'm not allowed to access through the Uni network, just dressed in my pyjamas. I feel rather greasy even though I've only just had a shower. I feel tired even though I've only just woken up. It's funny how certain items of clothing can make you feel different ways. Formal clothes make you feel uptight and uncomfortable. Casual clothes make you just want to lounge around. But pj's have this eternal force to make your teeth feel furry and your bones feel cold.

I'm currently watching "The Bucket List" and have decided Morgan Freeman has the best narrator voice. The storyline is rather interesting too: making a list about everything you want to do before you die. I think I might make one of them.

One day. Soon.


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