Monday, January 28, 2008

#28: Unanswered Polls

So I've had a couple of polls on here lately that I haven't explained or analysed.

The Paris Hilton one I've had up for the past week relates to the fleeting thought I had recently about the lack of news about her at the moment. A few years back, she was on the cover of every magazine and on the lips of every tabloid journalist, however has slumped into the background lately. I began to think about how she was really represented. All intellegent lifeforms realise that gossip magazines are full of sensationalised rumours, and I personally think that Brittany has become the new Paris. Sure, they're both immature and spoilt, but are they as bad as the media make them out to be?

The ulterior motive of tabloid mags is to sell pages, therefore I came to feel that perhaps Paris wasn't as bad as her reputation spits. She's done pornography. She's slept with all these famous men. She abuses her designer dogs. However, at least she hasn't gone absolutely bonkers over the constant spotlight, and has even managed to avoid it for a few years. Maybe I'm giving her more leeway on the issue because of my exposure to the social monster that is Ms Spears. That's why I took it to you guys instead, and it was clear from the beginning that none of you had any faith in her at all. I praise the other individual who voted that she wasn't as bad, although I do see where the rest of you are coming from.

The other poll I conducted was about your favourite sauce. Tomato has always been the classic favourite, however I was wondering if people were beginning to change their preferences to new, stylised sauces like sweet chili. But tomato still prevailed. How disappointing. I voted for Barbeque myself, even though it is also made out of tomatoes, ironic as that may seem. But then again, I suppose a sauce that actually tasted like a greasy, steel barbeque with burn pieces of sausage skin stuck to it wouldn't taste that friendly.

Now on to the next poll.



Anonymous said...

i voted tomato! tomato tomato tomato tomato tomato tomato tomato tomato tomato tomato tomato tomato!

hehe i love the topic of the new poll...

Anonymous said...

above comment =

- tanya

Anonymous said...

i'm catching up on your blogs :)

i think a few news outlets a while back decided to boycott coverage of paris hilton, a little after that msnbc anchor tried to set copy about her on fire on air..